
Final Shots

I've finally gotten my place to about 90% of how I want it to look. Still some small adjustments here or there but overall, this is it. Take a look!


Kitchen/Living Room:

My fabulous table, in three parts:



The Big Move...finally

So, I made it to Austin! The trip itself involved:

  • packing a huge 28' trailer, which was plopped in my driveway, angled downhill. (Thanks Pat and Dad!)
  • camping out in my (old) bedroom for a few days
  • packing the car with all the things I'd forgotten to include in the trailer
  • driving for four days with stops in Roanoke, VA (the cool Roanoke is in present day NC, oops) Nashville, TN (lots of awesome music) Garland, TX (outside of Dallas, nothing much to report here, haha) and finally Austin, TX
  • enduring a day without A/C
  • lots of trips to Ikea, Target and Home Depot
  • sleeping on the floor of my new place for two nights (Dad, you're a trooper)
  • unloading the huge trailer in the parking lot of my new apartment...and then carrying everything up a flight of stairs. I have the bruises to prove it
  • unpacking everything into its nice new organized place...ha!
Here are some pictures from those adventures. Final photos not up yet because I'm still slowing getting everything together.

First Day...with no A/C!


Camping in the living room...

After the moving truck arrived on Monday the bedroom looked a little ridiculous.

As did the kitchen...

And the living room as well!

Putting all those boxes to good use.

Finally taking a break.

More pictures to come once everything gets straightened out and pretty.

Thanks to everyone who called, messaged, emailed to wish me luck on the move. I'm feeling the love!