
Austin Photo Safari

Finally got some film developed of my wanderings around Austin and surrounding Texas:

Mc Kinney Falls State Park, Sierra Club Hike, Austin, TX

Mt. Bonnell, Austin, TX

Around the Clarksville neighborhood, Austin


Button Up!

It's cold here in MA. It was cold in TX, but of course I leave and now I get reports of 65 and sunny?! No fair.

Anyway, a fun little post to hopefully put me in a sunny mood: buttons! I found that I had quite a crew during my move this summer. During my first semester, I added some newbies. From left to right:

Austin History Center, Edgar Allen Poe Exhibit at HRC, SAA promotional
Promotion of Show Two! NYU Senior Thesis Exhibition, February 2009*

Various buttons from the years at NYU*

*All of these buttons were created by the lovely Jessika Joe!


All official like

Now that classes are done for the Fall semester I can finally get to some side projects I've been thinking about, one of which is more updates here.

But first, I've finally found a way to put all those left over postcards from my senior thesis show to good use. Business cards! So exciting, I know. But check out the sketches and finished products below. Any critique/comments are much appreciated.

test runs



I still have some adjustments (I'd like the writing to be black instead of red but I only had one Sharpie when I was making these tests ones. And maybe with these scans I can print the text out on clear labels to make everything more uniform?) but its nice to get back to my art project days!