
Big Cypress

Big Cypress National Preserve is one of the five South Florida Parks that the South Florida Collection Management Center (SFCMC - this is where I work people) receives records from. So after a busy but exciting week of looking at some BICY records (that's archivist lingo for ya) I decided to take a trek up Krome Ave, along the Tamiami, and visit those Big Cypress. My two fellow archives interns Ellen and Cathy were along for the ride. Enjoy the photos:

The night before, after planning the trip, we decided to drive to Anhinga and see what was happening there at dusk. We quickly ran into this fellow on the side of the trail,

After laughing at the shock of being so close to an ALLIGATOR, we kept on strolling and then promptly ate our words when we ran into THIS FELLA,

Lets get another view, shall we...

Really, his snout was about as wide as my waist. He was hefty.

We couldn't stay much longer because the mosquitos were out in full force and Ellen was the only one who remembered her NPS issued Mosquito Burka.

First stop on the way to Big Cypress (BICY) was at the Shark Valley Tram Tour and while flashing our NPS Volunteer badges at the gate for free entrance we saw this guy,

Soft-shell Turtles will come up again later...

The tram was a great way to explore the 15 miles of "prairie" - no sharks included and look at the wildlife with a fun and friendly guide. This bird above is a red-winged black bird or a "warrior" bird. He and his cousins frequently dive bomb my car on the way to work in the mornings so I found the name appropriate...

Here's our crazy guide getting in the water...

And there go my travel companions with him...

See, another soft-shell turtle. He promptly made a bee line for the shade of our tram thus ruining our starting at him. If it got stuck underneath the tram, that would be BAD.

View from atop the lookout tower

View from below...

This is a mother alligator protecting her nest. Seriously, lets use some photoshop to help illustrate this scene of familial bliss...

Follow the red arrow to see the alligator.

Joanies! Cathy was talking this place up for awesome crab cakes...and then we got there and it was closed. We were very hungry, very tired, and eager to find some grub.

But of course we had to stop at the smallest (and most photographed) US Post Office, only a few short minutes down the road.

Finally we find some food in Everglades City and Cathy's soft shell crab is less than stellar. Certainly not as good as Joanie's.

It was the most pathetic sandwich I'd ever seen someone pay $9 for but thankfully Cathy was a sport about it. Ellen, not so much.

This sign is actually saying, "Don't jump in an alligator's mouth, you fool!"

Alligator observing, from a safe distance (yes, I'm in the car). Again, photoshop will help for those of you unable to see our animal star...


Turkeys vs. Alligator. He was creeping up on them so lets demonstrate once again...

Creeping underwater alligator

Two just chilling by the side of the road.

After some animal perusing we headed onto a nice relaxing boardwalk for the BICY speciality. This really was the highlight of the trip. It was cool under all the trees and really beautiful. The pictures didn't do it justice and it reminded me somewhat of the majesty of the Redwoods...only on a smaller scale.