
Meb Wins NYC

Okay, so I know that this headline won't be news to most of you but WNYC had a great interview about Mebrahtom Keflezighi winning the New York City Marathon, the first American to do so in 27 years. Speaking with Cameron Stracher (who seems like a running enthusiast akin to my dear old dad's heart) whose Op-Ed in the Times questions just how these big races are covered by the media, the interview ranges from whether or not the Marathon should be scene as an 'event' or as a competitive road race; if American running can pick up on the heels of Meb's win; and unfortunately, whether or not Meb's win can actually be considered an 'American' win. It's sad to see this great runner's nationality questioned at such an exciting time for him.

Honestly, it was interesting to listen to Stracher talk about why running is not something the uninitiated can simply watch on TV like Monday football. And although I'm one of those slower runners who has enjoyed the friendly 5K race every once in awhile, I appreciate all the subtly of watching a really great race -- thanks boys, it's been pounded into my brain I guess. One of my favorite 'family moments' will always be running like crazy between the west and east side of Central Park at the 2008 US Olympic Team Trials for the Men's Marathon.

So Congrats! to Meb for getting America a win at New York. And just so we don't miss out on some beautiful photos, check out these marathon photos by long time race photographer Fred R Conrad. They're all about how isolating the race can be, in a very literal way.

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