
First Post!

THE first post - with hopefully more to follow. Having a blog is already creating anxiety so expect mostly photographs and very little narration. 

And I'm doing this so that I can say my grandparents are wicked cool - they read my blog!

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Juniper Hill Farm in Amherst, MA to live in a yurt and make goat cheese and hopefully learn all about organic farming. I'll post some pictures as soon as possible so check back for those. 

I've already had one request - baby goat pictures for Mina! Anything else? Leave in the comments below because that'll just make me feel special...


  1. Halley, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow night in your yurt! Also, I second the request for baby goat pics.

  2. I've been trying for years to abbreviate yogurt by calling it y'urt...THIS is why it hasn't caught on, because the word already exists?!?

    Excited to hear about your latest adventures. Pretty awesome that your grandparents are also reading this!

  3. Did I ever send you my baby goat pictures from Haiti? They're so darn photogenic!

    Good luck! (And this in no way lets you off the hook for an email)

  4. Now I will definitely think of you whenever I hear the song "Wide Open Spaces" - it still brings tears to my eyes (...losing my girl). This will help though - as long as I can figure out how to use it without you around! Love you! Mom

  5. 1) sam's comment is true - she has been trying to make y'urt happen as an abbreviation for yogurt FOR YEARS. i didn't have the heart to tell her yurts already existed

    2) i would like to request photos of baby anythings - especially anything that would be all wobbly on it's unsure newborn feet

  6. I see your mom beat me as the first 'older' lady to leave a message. It will be fun to see you in a whole new world. Enjoy! Thanks for helping to keep us all connected.
    Love, Auntie Denise

  7. Nice Halley!! I hadn't heard yet whether you chose your grad program, I'm super excited you went with Austin cuz I've been dying to visit there :) Looking forward to keeping up with your antics this summer on this rockin blog...see you in California in August??

  8. Hi Halley, I'm your oldest blogger so far. I'm so excited for you as you start on your adventures this summer at the farms and looking forward to grad school in the fall. You will be with me in thought everyday.
    Love you, grammy
